"http://www.indiawheeltrader.com/"Buy online used stuff wheeler came from an Anglo-Irish background. His dad Hugh Wheeler was a innovator in the Southern Regional indian native Company Service; his mom Maggie was the little lady of Hugh Massy, 1st Baron Massy. Massy was designed 30 September 1789 in Clonbeg, Country Tipperary. He finalized up with Bath Syntax School and was asked for a cadet in the Bengal Army in 1803. Arriving in Regional indian native in 1805, he finalized up with the causes of Expert Lake.
"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UC8vFz7CUqs/UPZIOf48RcI/AAAAAAAAADM/g0Nrr16962Y/s1600/6.jpeg" imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;"
Wheeler led the 48th Regional Infantry during the Afghan War in 1838-9, experiencing the capture of Ghazni and Kabul. In Dec 1840 he came returning to Regional indian native, as element of the affiliate of the receptive innovator of Afghanistan Dost Mohammad Khan who had been modified by Shah Shujah Durrani. For his element in the technique Wheeler was twice described in despatches, designed a affiliate of the Buy of the Bath, and provided the deal of the Durani Empire.
Amongst the British and Regional indian native causes who remained in Kabul was Brown Oliver, lieutenant-colonel of the 5th Regional Infantry and the partner of Wheeler's affiliate Frances. He was killed in Nov 1841 while defending the city from attack by the supporters of Akbar Khan, the son of deposed Dost Mohammad Khan. Also killed in Nov 1841 was Wheeler's son Sincere, who was fighting in Shah Shujah Durrani's Army. A few a few several weeks later, 6 Objective 1842, Frances Oliver and Wheeler were married in Agra.On the same day their three latest children, Beef, Maggie and David, were baptised. Another son, Francis, was designed three a few several weeks later.
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