Önce vatan
Gönderme zamanı: 05/02/2013 16:59:22

Bu vatan, toprağın kara bağrında 
Sıradağlar gibi duranlarındır; 
Bir tarih boyunca, onun uğrunda 
Kendini tarihe verenlerindir... 

Tutuşup: kül olan ocaklarından, 
Şahlanıp: köpüren ırmaklarından, 
Hudutlarda gaza bayraklarından, 
Alnına ışıklar vuranlarındır.

Ardına bakmadan yollara düşen, 
Şimşek gibi çakan, sel gibi coşan, 
Huduttan hududa yol bulup koşan, 
Cepheden cepheyi soranlarındır

İleri atılıp sellercesine, 
Göğsünden vurulup tam ercesine, 
Bir gül bahçesine girercesine, 
Şu kara toprağa girenlerindir... 

Tarihin dilinden düşmez bu destan: 
Nehirler gazidir, dağlar kahraman, 
Her taşı bir yakut olan bu vatan, 
Can verme sırrına erenlerindir... 

Gökyay'ım ne yazsan ziyade değil, 
Bu sevgi bir kuru ifade değil, 
Sencileyin hasmı rüyada değil, 
Topun namlısında görenlerindir...

Ezanımdan alışıp tekbîre, 
Buldunuz mutluluk, imanımla... 
Vatan ettim sizi ey topraklar 
Beş vakit damgalayıp alnımla.

Her karış toprağı sulandı kanla 
Bu vatan kolayca vatan olmadı 
Bedeli ödendi sayısız canla 
Bu vatan kolayca vatan olmadı 

Allah allah oldu ilk sözlerimiz 
Düşman tanımadı öfkelerimiz 
Bayrak ezan idi simgelerimiz 
Bu vatan kolayca vatan olmadı 

Vatan namustur, Vatan şereftir,

Vatan korunacak tek hedeftir

Uğruna ölmekse eğer seni yaşatmak, bin defa ölürüm de adına

leke sürdürmem. Gururdur, namustur bayrak ve sancak, Aksa

da kanım korkma; haini 



Görüntülenen 1 - 4 arasi, toplam 4 Yorum mevcut

Gönderen: anthonyfiddy2
06/16/2014 11:08:48

After the defeat, the Replica Watches uk Czech resistance is quickly organized. Many Czech pilots have joined the Royal Rolex replica watches Air Force to participate in the battle of Britain. Several squadrons of the RAF Replica breitling were indeed only composed of Czech pilots: flight 310: hunting; Flight 311: bombing, the most famous, the most important; Flight 312: hunting; Squadron 313: hunting and finally, Squadron 68: night fighter. 

Gönderen: tg018
06/28/2013 13:28:57

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Especially for ones novice and come down the role?The 13/5 for fulham avoiding defeat against manchester united is finger-Licking good.Because of the baroque was mostly seen in a tv may indicate a poor choice.The festival is free information to other teachers: "He swept her off her feet by dan humphrey, the lower classes of the games.

This color of gown is more natural looking and dusty compared to bright white.Off white comes in a variety of shades and is sometimes called cappuccino and latte or antique white.Bright white or pure white gowns are best for brunette brides with medium skin tone coloring, for brides who are tanned or olive skinned with any color of the hair and those brides who have black skins.

Puma starts in sports and ends in fashion.When it comes to blending fashion with sports, puma shoes bid.Basically, these environmentally friendl.As for safety issues, they sell these at any department store, you don't have to be a student to buy/wear them.The"Equality" doesn't help to prepare our children forThereal world. It does, however, give them a neater, more organized learning environment, there are no concerns about profanity or inappropriate decals onTheclothing, a lot ofTheprevious dress code issues, that teachers would be expected to enforce, are more easily detected or eliminated all together.

Don't rely on the size tag as a determiner of fit, either.Sizes, particularly in women's clothing, have changed over the years.Try on the garment(Over your clothes, if necessary)To check for fit.And the petite girls and juniors are fit for the short prom dresses so much.The sweet creamy yellow color can help you become more lovely and baby doll.You can go to have a look.

If you could have alterations done on the dress at the last minute, you might be able to swing it.But it would definitely be hard.You will possibly be dealing with larger than normal breasts as your milk production regulates and possibly also leaking breasts.

Gönderen: corentins
05/04/2013 13:21:10

I this is advising, but the eye Cape see fly son from the building in walked
out, she takes the facial expression apprehensiving to arrive at my body side,
get me to slowly sit down.Sees she wear on the body at this time of is exactly
my Xu that takes off in the building, the size of that enlargement, let to fly
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that sort is moving.The Xu long long pendency of black"color" completely covered
up the mysterious place of flying the son, had been hanging till up her louis vuitton
thigh, snow-white thigh and Yan"color" of Xu form fresh clearly to,
produce mightiness of the sense of vision is anti- to differ.More captivating
BE, flying son this is like empty up pack of dress, let me have a kind to offer
a glimpse of the in the interval mysterious impulse.

"Husband, Lan how was this ?"Fly the son Yi "delude" of took a look me, and
then took a look to still keep lowering the head, lie prone the Lan that sobs in
my bosom.

"Ha ha, fly son, you don't know, the Lan sees me to embrace she enters
building, really Be getting more happy too much, pleased pole but Qi!"Wear on
beard Zou of my mouth, just hope to stir the Lan is a little bit happy.

"Xi Xi, the husband is bogus, Lan just can't.Affirmation is that you
humiliated Lan."Fly a son part, simultaneously start to arrive at a Lan body a
side, pull the arm way of Lan:"The Lan wasn't a husband to humiliate you, if he
humiliated you, you tell me, I help you, we deal with him Customize
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together."Fly a son part, part blunt I proud head, mouth Jue
wear, a pay battle notable conduct the female Xia shape tiffany outlet of the

"Blare... is that he humiliate me, is him..." Lan this time can at last seek
an understanding person, sees she raise head and raise a fist, that still the
wet eye whirling face Be full to is "color" of vexation.

Original I have two kinds of choices, 1 kind woulds be to strike back, but
this how can, beat the wife's business, I don't do;Another would be to let Lan
and fly son to stop, tiffany and co
however didn't go as well like this, now is exactly make the Lan let
out the heart not quick big inning and make the wife happy is the man's
responsibility.Situation like this under, this war already become complete have
never hanged to read aloud.

I am inclined to lie on the sofa, shouts loudly"wife Rao life!The female Xia
shows consideration!", But is allow two beautiful wife's adults on me**wear, my
hand occasionally impedes once, however greatly parts of time is being silently
carry on fondling to"touch" a work.Certainly two of my beauty's sons are still
very humane of, their aring in the light of to hit persons doesn't beat face of
then, just gather thermodynamic power to start as follows at the my Bo neck,
this makes me am very delighted, however be regarded as thus, my heart also
already under settle foolish meeting the son want to beg for the decision of
returning justice on the bed.

Gönderen: corentins
05/04/2013 13:20:20

Because the weather is still a bit blazing hot blunt over cool empress I was
dressed in a big underpants set a Xu then slipped away to reach to walk out from
the bathroom.I see fly son and Lan have already finished sweeping the health
positive Xi hip-hop to admire of sit in the living room to looking tiffany outlet at
soap opera.

"The wifes television has what good-looking of we return to room I tell that
the story hears for you."I arrive at they sit down skill a slender waist that
hugs them.

"The husband of Xi Xi what the time academic association told a story."Lan
and I am together foolish can not only day and two days I am some what
especially often she is clear.

"Hey Hey you again be not don't know recent husband's my ability soar to tell
a story that to is a pediatrics!" I talk big of wear.The part my hand is already
the chest that roved around their 2 people.

"H'm... husband..." flies son is first rise respond"the Hey Hey have me to
sit you by the side of your body which return free watch television."My insight
idea thinks.

"The husband doesn't want do I still want and gather the television drama to
this and finish seeing!"Fly son to twist to move in my bosom" depended to arrive
by this time to still think a television drama this had no a face too much."I
simultaneously want to start keeping on to continuously rise an attack to the
body that flies son, I already give up Lan at the side of body to fix 1 first

I immediately sealed the lips tongue of flying the son and then carry on
all-directions aggression to her on the sand.

I suddenly stood to embrace to louis vuitton
fly son to walk to the bedroom like this.The hands that fly son
tightly hug clipping of my legs subconscious tight my loins her double the lips
tiffany outlet has
never had a moment and I of lips separate she of the head or soly move back and
forth to strongly suck up me of ambergris.

The bedroom heat continuously rises two of uses' pouring to lie on the bed to
fly the pajama of son to no longer know when and escape from my Xu of her body
also was a strikeout.Fly origin don't wear an inch wisp at this time inside the
son pajama she of the last body is taken in everything at a glance by me.

"H'm... husband... H'm..." my lips have already left the fragrant lips of
flying the son, I suck up her body all the way to all over the body rove around
to fly a son to break a continuously continuous at her along with my lips tongue

I feel the skin that flies son has light"milk" joss-stick certainly this
isn't just of"milk" oil cake big post-war historic relic my understanding this
is the young girl body that flies son joss-stick this flavor that is similar to
I also have to taste on Lan.Think Lan, I suddenly feel that I should not throw
Lan how in a side again the Lan be also Personalized
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regarded as my to go together with.

"Fly son, you wait me here, I go to and bring in Lan."I lightly bite to fly
the lower ear lobe of son is flying the wearing of ear low voice of son.

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