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Toplam bakislar: 7827 - Toplam yanitlar: 10

GONDEREN: Koray on 03/17/2013 21:57:14


Forum için yazılmış olan

aşağıdaki kurallar herkesin lehine olup

forumun seviyesini ve okunabilirliğini

koruyup geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır

-Forumda kesinlikle mp3

oyun film linki verilmicektir .

-Forumda siyasi propaganda

genel ahlaka aykırı küfürlü yazı

hakaret benzeri yazılar yazılamayacaktır.

Aynı şekilde başka bir forum katılımcısını ya da

üçüncü bir şahsı küçültücü veya

hakaret edici yazılar yazılamaz.

Siyasi Propaganda belirli bir partiyi veya

ideolojiyi savunmak ve

başakları üzerine empoze etme amaçlı çalışmadır.

Bununla beraber bölücü fikirlerin

yazılması ve suç unsuru olabilecek

tüm yazılar yasaktır.

Yazan kulanıcılar uyarı cezası


-Foruma yazılan her mesaj

yazanın sorumluluğu altındadır.

Hiçbir şekilde

forum yöneticilerine

sorumluluk yüklenemez.

-Adminler her yazılan mesajı


adminler den önce uygunsuz bir mesajla

karşılaşanlar lütfen bunu

forum operatörlerine


-Adminler yazılan yazının konusuyla

ilgili olmayan bir bölümde yazıldığına

karar verirlerse yazıyı

uygun bölüme aktarır veya silerler.

Bu nedenle

itiraz türü yazıların da silinmesi

veya cevaplandırılması

operatör yetkisindedir. 

-Forum Yönetimi tarafından

aynı kişinin birden fazla rumuz

veya isimle farklı kişilermiş gibi

aynı konuda görüş belirttiğinin

tespit edilmesi durumunda

kişinin tüm mesajları silinir

ve foruma girişi yasaklanır. 

-Forumda Türk hukuk kanunlarına

aykırı yazılar görüldüğü anda

silinmeye çalışılacaktır

fakat geç kalınan veya gözden kaçan mesajlar

hakkında kanuni takibat yapılması gerektiği

hallerde yazı sahibinin IP adresi

ve kişisel bilgileri kanuni mercilere

teslim edilecektir. 

-Forumun işleyiş ve kuralları

konusunda katılımcıları bilgilendirmek

forumun veya moderatörlerin görevi değildir.

Katılımcılar bu kuralları

okuyup uymak zorundadır.

-Forumdaki adminler

forum içinde verilen linklerden

ve bu sitelerin içeriklerinden

sorumlu değildir.

-Hicbir katilimci kendisine ait

kullanici hakkini ve şifresini bir baskasina

devredemez kullandıramaz

ve baskasi adina foruma yazı yazamaz.

-Bir mesajı sadece ilgili tek alana gönderiniz.

Birden fazla alanla ilgili gözüken mesajlarınız

en çok ilgili bulunduğu alana gönderiniz

birden fazla alana göndermeyiniz.

Aksi takdirde ilgisiz alanlara

yollanan mesajlar


-İhraç edilmiş bir kullanıcının

affedilmesi ancak moderatörler

arasında yapılacak oylama ile


Forum içerisindeki diğer kullanıcıların

bu konuları gündeme

getirmeleri yasaktır. 

-Forumlar üzerinden siteyi temsil etmeyen

illegal buluşma

ve organizasyonların duyurulması

kesinlikle yasaktır. 

-Site içerisinde yöneticilerden

habersiz başka bir site/organizasyon

haberi verilemez

ilan edilemez*

reklamı yapılamaz. 

-Site tek bir kişinin malı değildir.

adminler sorumluluğu altındadır.

Lütfen problemlerinizde

bu arkadaşlara gerek özelden

gerekse başka yollar ile ulaşınız. 

- Forum tek bir takımdır.

İçerisinde ayrı oluşumlar

ve gruplar ortaya çıkmasına

ve çıkartılmasına

kesinlikle izin verilmez.

Bu tarz yaklaşımlar içinde bulunan üyeler

uyarılırlar ve devamı halinde

üyeliklerine son verilir. 

---Not:Bu kurallar forumun düzeni için vardır.

Bu kurallar yol göstericidir

yani moderatörlerin bilgi kaynağıdır.

Kurallardada yerine göre esnek davranmak

veya katı davranmak forum

yöneticisinin yetkisi dahilindedir.

Eski kullanıcılar veya yeni kullanıcılar

diye bir ayrım gözetmeksizin

bu kurallar herkes için


İkaz ve Üyelik İptali

Gerektiren Haller

1) Küfür içeren mesajlar

yazanlar uyarılacak

uyarı dikkate alınmadıysa

ihraç edilecektir.

2) Toplu gidiş

veya dönüşlerde başkalarını

zor durumda bırakacak

hareketler yapan

kişi uyarılacak uyulmadığı

takdirde ihraç edilecektir. 

3) Forum içerisinde

başka siteler ile ilgili

kötü yorumlar yapılmayacak

ve yapanlar uyarılacaktır. 

4) Site içerisinde

kendi menfaatleri doğrultusunda

farklı bir oluşum yaratmaya çalışan

kişi uyarılacak gerekiyorsa

ihraç edilecektir. 

5) Forum kullanıcıları

hiç bir şekilde diğer kullanıcıların

kişilikleri yazmış oldukları yazıları

veyahut sormuş oldukları soruları

hakkında alay eder ifadeler ile

rencide edici davranamaz

aksi halde uyarı cezası alırlar. 

6) İhraç cezası

alan bir kullanıcı farklı nickler ile girip

yazı yazamaz.

Bu tarz bir durumda

o nick derhal iptal edilir

ve foruma tekrar geri dönme

şansı yok olur. 

7 ) Forumda yapılan paylaşımın

üzerinden yarım saat geçmesi mecburidir

diğer paylaşımcılarımızın paylaşımını

gerek forum adminleri

ve moderetörleri tarafından

takibatı gerekse

kullanıcıların okuyup bilgilenebilmesi açısından


Yarım saat geçmeden

yeni paylaşım yapan kullanıcının

paylaşımı ilk paylaşımının

altına taşınır

kullanıcı uyarılır

tekrarı halinde kullanıcı

 forumdan yasaklanır. 


1) Forum yöneticileri

kurallara uymayan

mesajları değiştirme

ve silme hakkına sahiplerdir.

Ayrıca gereğinden fazla uzayan

veya amacından sapan

konular kapatılabilir.

Forum kurallarına uymayan

üyeler yöneticiler tarafindan uyarılır


foruma yazmaları yasaklanır

ve üyelikleri iptal edilir.

Forum kurallarının

güncellenme veya

yenilerinin eklenmesi

hakkı forum yöneticilerinde saklıdır

ve üye olan herkes bu şartları

kabul etmiş sayılır. 

2) Foruma yazdığı yazı

veya hareketlerden dolayı

bir ay içerisinde iki defa uyarı

alan üyeler forumdan


3) Bu kurallar forum düzeni için vardır.

Bu kurallar moderatörlerin

bilgi kaynağıdır.

Kurallarda ve yaptırımlarda esnek

veya katı davranmak

forum yöneticisinin

yetkisi dahilindedir. 

4) Adminler yazılan

bir yazının konusuyla ilgili olmayan

bir bölümde yazıldığına

karar verirse o yazıyı uygun bölüme aktarma

veya silme hakkına sahiptir. 

5) Adminler yukarıdaki kurallara

uymayan mesajları silme değiştirme

ve kilitleme haklarına sahiptir 



GONDEREN: ZiCan on 03/18/2013 02:30:22

7 ) Forumda yapılan paylaşımın

üzerinden yarım saat geçmesi mecburidir

diğer paylaşımcılarımızın paylaşımını

gerek forum adminleri

ve moderetörleri tarafından

takibatı gerekse

kullanıcıların okuyup bilgilenebilmesi açısından


Yarım saat geçmeden

yeni paylaşım yapan kullanıcının

paylaşımı ilk paylaşımının

altına taşınır

kullanıcı uyarılır

tekrarı halinde kullanıcı

            &nb sp;  forumdan yasaklanır.

            Forum İnsanların sanal dünyada bir araya gelerek bilgilerini, tecrübelerini, doğrularını, yanlışlarını, hatalarını, eksiklerinive aklınıza gelebilecek her konuda topic(konu) ve yorum yazarak paylaştığı yazıların bütünüdür.
             ; Diğer bir deyişle forum sanal dünyanın sosyalleşmiş siteleridir.


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GONDEREN: brewsterbob on 05/01/2013 21:05:57

Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go
Thank you, useful.
Thank you, useful
But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree?
I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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GONDEREN: brewsterbob on 05/01/2013 21:31:59

Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go
Thank you, useful.
Thank you, useful
But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree?
I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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GONDEREN: brewsterbob on 05/01/2013 21:32:40

Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go
Thank you, useful.
Thank you, useful
But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree?
I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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GONDEREN: brewsterbob on 05/01/2013 22:08:44

Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go
Thank you, useful.
Thank you, useful
But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree?
I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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GONDEREN: brewsterbob on 05/02/2013 00:12:14

Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go
Thank you, useful.
Thank you, useful
But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree?
I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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GONDEREN: brewsterbob on 05/02/2013 00:13:20

Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go
Thank you, useful.
Thank you, useful
But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree?
I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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GONDEREN: brewsterbob on 05/02/2013 00:14:39

Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go
Thank you, useful.
Thank you, useful
But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree?
I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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GONDEREN: brewsterbob on 05/02/2013 00:16:03

Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go
Thank you, useful.
Thank you, useful
But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree?
I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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