Toplam bakislar: 8909 - Toplam yanitlar: 12 |
GONDEREN: Birsu_ on 03/21/2013 13:15:13 |
GÜNAYDIN iyi pazarlar TÜRKİYEM......................

Bir gün bir felsefe profesörü, elinde bazı malzemelerle derse gelir. Ders başladığında; hiçbir şey söylemeden, önüne büyükçe kavanozunu alır. Sonrada kavanozu ağzına kadar tenis topları ile doldurur. Ardından öğrencilerine kavanozun dolup dolmadığını sorar…
Bütün öğrenciler hep bir ağızdan dolduğunu söylerler.
Bunun üzerine; profesör önündeki kutulardan birinden aldığı çakıl taşlarını, kavanoza döker. Çakıl taşları kayarak, tenis toplarının aralarındaki boşlukları doldurmaya başlar. Profesör yeniden kavanozun dolup dolmadığını sorar.
Öğrenciler yine hep birlikte; ‘evet doldu’ derler.
Profesör bu defa da, masanın üzerindeki diğer kutuyu eline alır ve içindeki kumu yavaşça kavanoza döker. Tabii ki kumlar da çakıl taşlarının aralarındaki boşlukları doldurur. Profesör yine aynı soruyu sorar. Öğrenciler de yine koro halinde ‘evet doldu’ derler.
Profesör bu kez ise masanın altında hazır bekleyen iki fincan kahveyi alır. Başlar kahveyi kavanozun içine dökmeye. Bu kez de kahve de kumların arasında kalan boşlukları doldurur. Bunun üzerine öğrenciler gülmeye başlar… Ardından profesör öğrencilerine nasihat etmeye başlar;
‘Bu kavanoz sizin hayatınızdır.
Tenis topları; Hayatınızdaki önemli şeylerdir. Yani aileniz, çocuklarınız, sağlığınız, arkadaşlarınız gibi. Diğer şeyleri kaybetseniz de, bunlar hayatınızı doldurmaya yeter.
Çakıl taşları ise; Sizin için daha az önemli olan diğer şeylerdir. Yani işiniz, eviniz, arabanız gibi.
Kum ise; diğer ufak tefek şeylerdir. şayet kavanoza önce kum doldurursanız; Çakıl taşlarına ve özellikle de tenis toplarına yeterli yer kalmaz.
Aynı şey hayatımız için de geçerlidir. Vaktinizi ve enerjinizi; ufak tefek şeylere harcar, israf ederseniz; Bu defa da önemli şeyler için vakit kalmayacaktır. Dikkatinizi mutluluğunuz için önemli olan şeylere çevirin.
Çocuklarınızla oynayın.
Sağlığınıza dikkat edin.
Sevdiklerinizle yemeğe çıkın.
Evinizin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayın.
Öncelikle tenis toplarını kavanoza yerleştirin.
Öncelikleri, sıralamayı iyi bilin.
Gerisi hep kumdur…’
Bu arada bir öğrenci merakla şu soruyu sorar; ‘Hocam peki, o iki fincan kahve nedir?’ Profesör gülerek cevaplar; ‘Bu soruyu bekliyordum. Hayatınız ne kadar dolu olursa olsun; Her zaman dostlarınız ve sevdiklerinizle bir fincan kahve içecek kadar yer vardır…!


GONDEREN: Virane_ on 03/21/2013 13:21:12 |
Emegine yüregine saqlik kardesim, süper bir paylasim

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canım çok güzelmiş iyi pazarlar mcx=) bu arada unutmadan Sevdiklerinizle yemeğe çıkın. demiş yazıda bilmiyrum yani artık ne zaman olursa :P =)
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GONDEREN: TeLmA on 03/21/2013 14:46:04 |
iyi pazarlar canımm Hayatınız ne kadar dolu olursa olsun; Her zaman dostlarınız ve sevdiklerinizle bir fincan kahve içecek kadar yer vardır…! süper bir paylaşım yüreğine sağlık BİRSU
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GONDEREN: RuMuZ_ on 03/21/2013 20:15:50 |
Hayatınız ne kadar dolu olursa olsun; Her zaman dostlarınız ve sevdiklerinizle bir fincan kahve içecek kadar yer vardır…!
Birsum canım kardeşim her zaman farklısın hep böyle kalman dileğiyle seni çok seviyorum...
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GONDEREN: ZiCan on 03/21/2013 20:33:03 |
Birsum emeğine yüreğine sağlık canım İyi Pazarlar.

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GONDEREN: Birsu_ on 03/21/2013 22:27:53 |
Hepinizi SEVİYORUMMMMMMM çok teşekkürler gözlerinize saglık...
Buyrun TÜRK lokumu herkese


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Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go Thank you, useful. Thank you, useful But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree? I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go Thank you, useful. Thank you, useful But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree? I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go Thank you, useful. Thank you, useful But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree? I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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