Toplam bakislar: 4686 - Toplam yanitlar: 9 |
Nevruz Bayramı, Türk Milleti’nin yüzyıllar ötesinden devam edip gelen geleneksel bayramlarından biridir.
Nevruz Bayramı, Türk Milli Kültürü’nde baharın müjdecisi, gece ile gündüzün eşit olduğu ve tabiatın en adaletli günü olarak kabul edilir. Türkler’in yaşadığı en uzak bölgelerde dahi 21 Mart, Nevruz Bayramı olarak çeşitli yöresel etkinliklerle kutlanır.
Tabiat ile iç içe, kucak kucağa yaşayan, toprağı “ana” olarak vasıflandıran Türk Düşünce Sisteminde “Baharın gelişi” elbetteki önemli bir yere sahip olacaktı.
Kaşgarlı Mahmut, “Bayram” kelimesinin anlamını Divan-ı Lügat-it Türk’te “Bedhrem, halk arasında gülme ve sevinme, bir yerin ışıklarla ve çiçeklerle bezenmesi ve orada sevinç içinde eğlenilmesi” olarak tarif eder.
Bayramlar, insanlar arasında karşılıklı sevgi ve saygının perçinlendiği günlerdir.
Bayramlar, insanların birbirleriyle olan dargınlıklarını unuttukları, barıştıkları, kardeşçe kucaklaştıkları gündür.
Bayramlar, toplumlarda milli birlik ve beraberliğin, bir arada yaşama arzusunun kuvvetlendiği günlerdir.
Bayramlar, milli ve dini duyguların, inançların, örf ve adetlerin uygulandığı, sergilendiği, bir toplumda millet olma şuurunun şekillendiği, kuvvetlendiği günlerdir.
Eski Türkler’le İranlılar’ın “yıl-başı” kabul ettikleri gün, Farsça bir kelime olan “Nevruz” terimiyle ifade olunmaktadır. Ancak kelime anlamı bakımından “yeni gün” demektir. Araplar’a İranlılar’dan geçen bu adet, başta Oniki Hayvanlı Türk Takvimi’nde görüldüğü üzere Türkler’de çok eskiden beri bilinmekte ve bugün törenlerle kutlanmaktadır.
Türkler’de çok eskiden beri baharın gelişi, tabiatın canlanışı, destanlarda masallarda, türkülerde şiirlerde, aşıkların kopuzlarında terennüm edilir ve bahardan coşkunlukla söz edilirdi. Baharın gelişi; suların çoğalması, dünyanın nefesinin ısınması yani havaların ısınması, türlü çiçeklerin açılması, yeryüzüne yemyeşil bir ipek kumaşın serilmesi, hayvanların çoğalması olarak yorumlanmaktadır.
Türk topluluklarında Nevruz geleneği yaygındır. Türkler, Nevruz’u “Nevruz-ı Sultani”, Sultan Nevruz” veya Orta Asya Türk topluluklarında görüldüğü üzere “Sultan Navrız” olarak kutlamaktadırlar. Türkler’de Nevruz’la ilgili görülen rivayetlerin en önemlisi bu günün bir kurtuluş günü olarak kabul edilmesidir. Bu bakımdan bu gün Ergenekon veya Bozkurt Bayramı olarak kabul edilmektedir.
Ergenekon Destanı’na göre düşmanları Türkleri bir hile ile yenerler ve çoğunluğu öldürülür yada tutsak düşer. Kurtulanlar kimsenin bilmediği dağlık ,verimli bir yer olan Ergenekon’a gelirler. Zamanla nüfusları çoğalınca buradan çıkmak istediklerinde etrafın demir dağlarla çevrili olduğu görülür. Bunun için büyük ateşler yakıp dağları eritirler ve tekrar eski yurtlarına dönerler. İşte Türk Kültürüne göre Nevruz , takvim başlangıcı olan Ergenekon’dan çıkış günüdür. Bu adet Türkler’deki demirciliğin milli sanat olması ve demir kültü ile açıklanabilir. İşte Türk Kültürüne göre Nevruz, takvim başlangıcı olan Ergenekon’dan çıkış günüdür.
O günden beri yeni yılın başladığı gece Kök-Türkler’de adettir, o günü bayram sayarlar. Bir parça demiri ateşe salıp kızdırırlar. Önce Kağan bunu kıskaçla tutup örse koyar, çekiçle döver. Ondan sonra beyler de öyle yaparlar. Bunu mukaddes bilirler, böylece Tanrı’ya şükretmiş olurlar.
Nevruz, Türkler’in tabiatın dirilişini alkışladığı, yıl esaslı zaman değişiminin başlangıcı saydığı, değişmeler için Tanrıya şükrünü ifade ettiği özel bir törendir. Bu kutlama sarı, kırmızı, yeşilin yan yana gelmesiyle oluşan sembolleşme ile tamamlanır gibidir.
Sarı, kırmızı ve yeşili bir inanış ve varlık dünyasını yorumlayış sonucunda yeşili; dirilik, tazelik gençlik, sarıyı; merkez, hükümranlık, kırmızıyı; Tanrı, koruyucu ruh, ocak (ev), dirlik, bağımsızlık, hürriyet anlamlarının sembolü halinde yorumlayan sadece Türk kökenli halkalardır.
Türk boyları, söz konusu bayramda çeşitli eğlenceler düzenlemekte ve bir çok pratiği de yerine getirmektedirler. Mesela; Nevruz’da pişirilen özel yemekler, oynanan oyunlar, güreş müsabakaları, yarışmalar, musiki makamları, şiir söyleme gelenekleri gibi faaliyetler yüzyıllardan beri yapılmaktadır. Nevruz, bu özellikleriyle Türk boyları arasında tam manasıyla sanat, edebiyat, spor ve musiki erbabının hünerlerini gösterdikleri bir bayram haline dönüşmüştür.
Tarihi bakımdan Hun, Göktür, Uygur, Selçuklu, Osmanlı ve Cumhuriyet döneminde Nevruz, bir örfi bayram olarak kabul edilmiş, çeşitli eğlence ve merasimlerle idrak edilmiştir.
Cumhuriyetin ilanından sonra Atatürk’ün önderliğinde 1922, 1923, 1924 ve 1926 yıllarında Ergenekon Bayramı adıyla kutlanmış, daha sonraki yıllarda bu kutlamalar mahalli seviyede olmuştur.
Ülkemizin Batısında Mart Dokuzu, Hıdrellez veya Kakava Şenlikleri adıyla kutlanan Nevruz Bayramı, bizleri birbirimize daha çok yaklaştırır. Ortak bir kültüre, birlik ve beraberlik içinde sahip çıkar ve aynı kültürün insanları olarak kaynaşmamıza, birbirimizi sevmemize yardımcı olur.
Nevruz geleneği ne Sunilikle, ne Alevilikle, ne Bektaşilikle doğrudan bağlantısı olmayan, İslamiyetten çok öncelere giden bir gelenektir. Yani bir dinin ve mezhebin bayramı değildir. Bu yüzden herhangi bir şekilde bir mezhep adına, bir din adına, bir etnik menşe adına bağlı gösterilmesi, istismar edilmesi, bir ayrılık unsuru olarak takdim edilmeye çalışılması yanlıştır. Tarihin ve kültürün bütün gerçeklerine aykırıdır.
Milli Kültürü yozlaştırmak, yok etmek, milli kültür unsurları üzerinde şüphe yaratmak, milli tarih konularında spekülatif yayınlarda bulunmak bugün Türklük düşmanlarının en çok takip ettikleri metod bulunmaktadır. Kaleleri içerden ele geçirmek yani ülkeleri parçala, böl, sonra yok et prensibi emperyalist politikaların hedef seçtikleri ülkelere karşı uyguladıkları genel bir stratejidir. Bu strateji içinde milli kültür düşmanlığı, milli kültürün dejenere edilmesi, milli kültür değerleri üzerinde başka sahipler aranması en geçerli bir silah olarak kabul edilmektedir. Özellikle yurt dışında Türkiye ve Türklük aleyhine faaliyet gösteren Marksist-Leninist ve bölücü unsurlar sun’i bir topluma mal edilmeye çalışılan Ergenekon/ Nevruz Bayramı’nı Türk kültürü bünyesinden koparmak istemekte ve bu konuda gayret göstermektedirler. Bu durumda bizlere düşen görev tarihimizi ve kültürümüzü daha iyi öğrenip sahiplenmektir.
Atatürk’ün tarih öğrenmenin önemi üzerine söylemiş olduğu şu söz yukarıda izah etmeye çalıştığımız konunun önemini daha iyi açıklamaktadır.
1990 yılında bağımsızlıklarını ilan eden Türk Cumhuriyetlerinde Kırgızistan, Kazakistan, Özbekistan, Türkmenistan ve Azerbaycan ile Rusya Federasyonu bünyesindeki Tataristan 21 Mart Ergenekon/ Nevruz Bayramını “Milli Bayram” olarak ilan etmişlerdir. Bu günün coşkuyla kutlanmasına büyük önem vermektedirler.Türk Kültüründen kaynaklanan Ergenekon/Nevruz Bayramı, her yönüyle Türk gelenek ve görenekleriyle zenginleşmiş, an’anevi ve temeli beş bin yıllık Türk tarihine dayalı milli bir bayramdır.Türkiye’de de 1991 yılında Türk Dünyası ile birlikte ortak bir gün olarak resmi tatil olmaksızın bayram ilan edilmiştir.
Nevruz, Türk insanını birbirine kenetleyen, bağlayan, Ergenekon’dan demir dağları eriterek dirilen ataların ruhuyla yanan bir ateştir. Bu ateş hiç sönmeden binlerce yıl yandı ve gelecekte de kıvılcımlarından binlerce gönlü tutuşturarak ortak kültür ocağında binlerce ruhu ısıtacaktır. Avrasya’nın, Türk aleminin Nevruz toyu kutlu olsun, Nevruz gülleri geleceğe umutlar taşısın.
21 Mart Nevruz Bayramı, genç nesillerimize mutlaka öğretilmeli ve dünya durdukça Türk Milleti’nin geleneksel bayramı olarak yaşatılmalıdır.
GONDEREN: Birsu_ on 03/07/2013 16:05:40 |
Çok güzel bir bilgi paylaşmışsınız emeklerinize saglık abicim... Bizim olan ergenekon hangi şaibeyle nevruz hangi milletle kutlanır oldu görmek ne acı.Bu BÜYÜK bir oyunun köşe taşları ve tek tek örülüyor ne yazıkki.. Devleti ne yazıkki yönetme gücünü elinde tutanlar azınlıklara dönün burası sizinde vatanınız derken asıl TÜRK varlıgını harcıyor asıl sahiplerini ayakları altına alıyor..
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GONDEREN: TeLmA on 03/07/2013 18:25:18 |
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Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go Thank you, useful. Thank you, useful But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree? I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go Thank you, useful. Thank you, useful But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree? I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go Thank you, useful. Thank you, useful But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree? I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go Thank you, useful. Thank you, useful But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree? I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go Thank you, useful. Thank you, useful But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree? I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go Thank you, useful. Thank you, useful But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree? I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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Things to consider when shopping for the best hard disk drives If you are shopping for the best laptop hard drive, you're going to have your work cut out for you, especially buy laptop hard drive online. Finding a reliable hard drive to purchase is not going to be as easy as 123. You may have to spend some time looking around on the Internet and doing some comparison shopping so that you can find a hard disk for sale that will satisfy your expectations and meet your needs as well, before you make a determine you can just know about the laptop hard drive cost in the field. Using a laptop means that you're going to need enough space to store your files, install your software and do everything that you want to do on the computer. There a lot of things to consider when you purchase a new hard drive for your laptop. Below, you will find with some of these things are and why it's important to shop around for hard disk drives for sale so that you can find the precise laptop hard drive that you want to buy. 1,Look for a hard disk drive that has enough space to meet your needs Knowing how much space you need on your hard drive can be a difficult thing. Often times, people don't think they need much space but then they come to realize that they needed more than they originally thought. For instance, some people think that they just need to purchase a hard drive that is going to cover their files. For instance, if they have about 10 gigabytes of files, they may purchase just a 20 to 40 gigabyte hard drive. The problem with this is that you are not accounting for the operating system. If you plan to run an operating system like Linux or Windows on the computer, then you need to purchase a hard drive that has enough space to properly run the operating system and store your files. There are other things to keep in mind as well, for instance, what software are you going to be putting on the computer? Software can take up a lot of space on a computer, especially games and software that is very complex. These types of software titles can get up into several gigabytes of space, so you need to have a big enough hard drive to accommodate for these applications. 2,Remember that it's okay to go over what you need but it's not okay to go under Of course, you can easily see there are so many laptop hard drive for sale online, when purchasing a hard drive, it's okay to purchase more gigabytes than you actually need, just like me, I love installing lots of games, so I bought a big sony laptop hard drive in advance. However, if you were to purchase less gigabytes than you actually need, this is not going to be okay because you won't be able to do the things that you want to do on your computer. Be sure to shoot for more disk space. Keep in mind that installing a hard drive on a laptop can be more complicated than installing a hard drive on a desktop computer. You also need to accommodate for the installation costs when you're going to have a company install this for you. Look online and do some comparison shopping so that you can find the best laptop hard drive for a price that makes sense for your budget. Need more info about laptop hard drives or purchasing, please go Thank you, useful. Thank you, useful But to be frank, it doesn't tell in detail what should we do to choose a best one, agree? I don't think it's good to buy a new hard dirve, why not change the laptop? Lol.
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